DFB Laser
FP Laser
Applications by Gas
Applications by Industry
Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
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Ausbildungsplatz Mikrotechnologe

Quantum Cascade Lasers

Distributed Feedback Lasers
Interband Cascade Lasers
Fabry-Pérot Lasers
Mid-Infrared LEDs
Superluminescent Diodes
  • QCL-CW
  • DFB Lasers
  • ICL
  • FP
  • SLD
  • Packaging
Monomode, multimode & broadband light sources

Products & Services

Distributed Feedback Laser

nanoplus offers Distributed Feedback Lasers in the entire wavelength spectrum from 760 nm to 14000 nm. With their ultra-precise performance at customized wavelengths, they satisfy the highest quality standards and help to improve the accuracy of the most demanding measurements.

Interband Cascade Laser

nanoplus DFB ICL opens tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) for novel MIR applications in industrial gas sensing. In the 3 μm to 6 μm wavelength window, now covered by interband cascade lasers, many industrially relevant trace gases have their strongest absorption bands. They show absorption strengths that are several orders of magnitude higher than those in other infrared (IR) areas.

Quantum Cascade Laser

NEW! nanoplus now offers continuous wave Quantum Cascade Lasers for TDLAS. They are available at custom wavelengths from 6000 nm to 11000 nm.

Mid-Infrared LED

Our new range of true continuous-wave LEDs is designed for OEM systems. They cover the mid-infrared from 2000 nm to 6500 nm, require little power, and operate at room temperature.

Fabry-Pérot Laser

Multimode lasers from nanoplus are suitable for external cavity application between 760 nm and 14000 nm. Configure the wavelength, specifications, and packaging of your Fabry-Pérot Laser according to your needs. A new nanoplus High-Power Fabry-Pérot Laser is available in the range from 1950 nm to 2350 nm. It reaches an output power of up to 1 Watt.

Superluminescent Diode

nanoplus Superluminescent Diodes are a perfect choice for medical applications, gyroscopes, or imaging. They combine the proven beam quality of nanoplus lasers with a broad spectrum of LEDs. Customized wavelengths are feasible anywhere between 760 nm and 2900 nm.

NEW ICL Packaging

We are pleased to introduce our nanoplus DFB interband cascade lasers in a fibre-coupled butterfly housing. The new housing option is available for wavelengths up to 5500 nm and offers improved handling.

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Applications by Gas

nanoplus lasers are mainly used for high-precision gas analysis. In this section you can find many sample applications for an assorted list of industrially relevant trace gases.

Applications by Industry

You can find nanoplus lasers in various industrial sectors. This section covers the most common branches in which customers use our lasers.

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