Dr. Johannes Koeth has been co-founder and managing director of nanoplus since 1998. He received his PhD in physics from the Julius Maximilians University of Wuerzburg (JMU), where he specialized in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), semiconductor lasers and VCSELs. When he founded nanoplus, he was convinced that semiconductor lasers had great potential to invigorate the gas sensing market. His vision came true in the coming years as distributed feedback lasers opened up new technologies and markets.
In 2017, Dr. Johannes Koeth established a sales office in Boulder, Colorado, in the United States, where he serves as CEO.
To take semiconductor laser processing to the next level, he co-founded Sensalight Technologies GmbH in 2020. The company is focused on volume production and is currently focused on the automotive sector.
For more information on Dr. Koeth's research background, please see the list of his publications.
Alfred Forchel is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the nanoplus Group. He holds a PhD in physics and was appointed full professor of applied physics at Julius Maximilians University of Wuerzburg (JMU) in 1990.
In the 1990s, the Wuerzburg Applied Physics group discovered a new principle for fabricating longitudinal single mode distributed feedback lasers (DFB), based on the use of metal gratings for mode selection. This approach can be applied in basically all material system to build DFB lasers. This discovery formed the basis for the production of high quality sensing lasers at nanoplus.