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2800 nm - 4000 nm Distributed Feedback Laser

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Distributed Feedback Laser

2800 nm - 4000 nm Distributed Feedback Laser

Select your target wavelength at any wavelength between 2800 nm and 4000 nm. The table below presents typical specifications, available mountings as well as application references & further reading.

Mountings & Accessories
Papers & Links

operating wavelength (at Top, Iop)






0.1 nm


optical output power (at λop)








operating current








operating voltage








threshold current












side mode suppression ratio






> 35


current tuning coefficient




nm / mA




temperature tuning coefficient




nm / K




operating chip temperature












operating case temperature (non-condensing)












storage temperature (non-condensing)











Mountings & Accessories
SM-BTF - our fiber-coupled workhorse
  • availability: 760 nm - 5500 nm
  • TEC: integrated TEC
  • NTC: integrated NTC
  • plug&play: fiber-coupled beam
  • size: large footprint
  • costs: higher cost than free space
TO66 - our workhorse for ICLs
  • availability: 2800 nm - 6500 nm
  • TEC: integrated large TEC
  • NTC: integrated NTC
  • cap: AR coated cap (optional)
  • window: AR coated window (optional)
  • plug&play: collimation required
  • size: small footprint
  • costs: low cost
chip on heatspreader - high-end OEM integration
  • availability: 760 nm - 6000 nm
  • TEC: no TEC
  • NTC: integrated NTC
  • cap: NA
  • window: NA
  • plug&play: collimation required
  • size: smallest footprint
  • costs: low cost
Heatsink for TO5 / TO66
  • availability: 760 nm - 6500 nm
  • NTC: integrated (optional)
  • heat distribution: warranted
  • connectors: for laser diode driver & temperature controller
  • posts: M6 thread for optical table
  • cage system: standard
  • collimation: none
Lens on cap
  • availability: 1850 nm - 5500 nm
  • heat distribution: none, use separate heatsink
  • connectors: TO66 connectors only
  • posts: none, use separate heatsink
  • cage system: none, use separate heatsink
  • collimation: high-end collimation, divergence < 4 mrad
Gas Detection
2800 nm - 4000 nm

Carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, water vapour and most hydrocarbons, like methane, acetylene, formaldehyde and ethane have their strongest absorption features between 3000 nm and 6500 nm.

[ 198 , 189 , 188 , 187 , 185 , 184 , 183 , 178 ]
Papers & Links
# 198 All-fiber-coupled mid-infrared quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensors
A. Zifarelli, R. De Palo, S. Venck, F. Joulain, S. Cozic, R. Weih, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, V. Spagnolo, Optics & Laser Technology, 176, 2024, 110926,
# 196 Mid-infrared hyperchaos of interband cascade lasers
Y. Deng, Z. Fan, B. Zhao, X. Wang, S. Zhao, J. Wu, F. Grillot, C. Wang, Light: Science & Applications , 11, 2022, 22,
# 189 Digital Twin of a photoacoustic trace gas sensor for monitoring methane in complex gas compositions
M. Müller, T. Rück, S. Jobst, J. Pangerl, S. Weigl, R. Bierl, F.-M. Matysik, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 378, 2023, 133119,
# 188 An Algorithmic Approach to Compute the Effect of Non-Radiative Relaxation Processes in Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
M. Müller, T. Rück, S. Jobst, J. Pangerl, S. Weigl, R. Bierl, F.-M. Matysik, Photoacoustics, 26, 2022, 100371,
# 187 Characterizing a sensitive compact mid-infrared photoacoustic sensor for methane, ethane and acetylene detection considering changing ambient parameters and bulk composition (N2, O2 and H2O)
J. Pangerl, M. Müller, T. Rück, S. Weigl, R. Bierl, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 352, 2022, 130962,
# 185 Comparison of photoacoustic spectroscopy and cavity ring-down spectroscopy for ambient methane monitoring at Hohenpeißenberg
M. Müller, S. Weigl, J. Müller-Williams, M. Lindauer, T. Rück, S. Jobst, R. Bierl, and F.-M. Matysik, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 2023, 4263–4270,
# 184 Methyl methacrylate thermal decomposition: Modeling and laser spectroscopy of species time-histories behind reflected shock waves
I. C. Sanders, N. M. Kuenning, N. Q. Minesi, D. I. Pineda, R. M. Spearrin, Fuel, Vol. 335, 2023, 126846,
# 183 High-temperature absorption cross-sections and interference-immune sensing method for formaldehyde near 3.6-μm
N. M. Kuenning, I. C. Sanders, N. Q. Minesi, D. I. Pineda, R. M. Spearrin, J. Quant. Spec. Rad. Tr., Vol. 309, 2023, 108690,
# 182 Quantitative volumetric laser absorption imaging of methane and temperature in flames utilizing line-mixing effects
C. Wei, K. K. Schwarm, D. I. Pineda, R. M. Spearrin, Proc. Comb. Inst., Vol. 39, Iss. 1, 2023, 1229-1237,
# 180 Rovibrational Polaritons in Gas-Phase Methane
A. D. Wright, J. C. Nelson, M. L. Weichman, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145, 10, 2023, 5982–5987,
# 178 Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Sensors for Detection of Eight Air Pollutants
R. De Palo, A. Elefante, G. Biagi, F. Paciolla, R. Weih, V. Villada, A. Zifarelli, M. Giglio, A. Sampaolo, V. Spagnolo, P. Patimisco, Adv. Phot. Res., Vo. 4, Iss. 6, 2023,
# 177 Distributed Feedback Interband Cascade Laser Based Laser Heterodyne Radiometer for Column Density of HDO and CH4 Measurements at Dunhuang, Northwest of China
X. Lu, Y. Huang, P. Wu, D. Liu, H. Ma, G. Wang, Z. Cao, Remote Sens., 14(6), 2022, 1489,
# 176 Photoacoustic methane detection inside a MEMS microphone
T. Strahl, J. Steinebrunner, C. Weber, J. Wöllenstein, K. Schmitt, Photoacoustics, 29, 2023, 100428,
# 174 Dual-comb optical activity spectroscopy for the analysis of vibrational optical activity induced by external magnetic field
D. Peng, C. Gu, Z. Zuo, Y. Di,X. Zou, L. Tang, L. Deng1, D. Luo1, Y. Liu, W. Li, Nat. Commun., 14, 2023, 883,
# 166 Mid-infrared hyperchaos of interband cascade lasers
Y. Deng, ZF. Fan, BB. Zhao et al. , Light Sci. Appl., 11, 2022,
# 165 Near-Surface Carbon-Dioxide Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Concentration Measurements in Hypervelocity Flow
J. M. Weisberger, P. E. DesJardin, M. MacLean, R. Parker, Z. Carr, J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2015, 1551 - 1562,
# 163 Towards a dTDLAS‑Based Spectrometer for Absolute HCl Measurements in Combustion Flue Gases and a Better Evaluation of Thermal Boundary Layer Effects
Z. Qu, J. Nwaboh, O. Werhahn, V. Ebert, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 106, 2021, 533 - 546,
# 162 Methane leak detection by tunable laser spectroscopy and mid-infrared imaging
T. Strahl, J. Herbst, A. Lambrecht, E. Maier, J. Steinebrunner, J. Wöllenstein , Appl. Optics, Vol. 60, No. 15, 2021, C68-C75,
# 159 Direct absorption spectroscopy baseline fitting for blended absorption features
J. M. Weisberger, J. P. Richter, R. A. Parker, P. E. DesJardin, Appl. Optics, 2018,
# 158 Optical Wireless Link Operated at the Wavelength of 4.0 µm with Commercially Available Interband Cascade Laser
J. Mikołajczyk, R. Weih, M. Motyka, Sensors, Vol. 21, 2021,
# 151 The interband cascade laser
J. R. Meyer, W. Bewley, C. L. Canedy, C. S. Kim, M. Kim, C. D. Merritt, I. Vurgaftman, Photonics, Vol. 7, No. 3 (75), 2020,
# 144 Accurate analysis of HCl in biomethane using laser absorption spectroscopy and ion-exchange chromatography
J. A. Nwaboh, H. Meuzelaar, J. Liu, S. Persijn, J. Li, A. M. H. van der Veen, N. Chatellier, A. Papin, Z. Qu, O. Werhahna, V. Eberta, Analyst, Iss. 4, 2021.,
# 143 Optical detection of formaldehyde in air in the 3.6 µm range
M. Winkowski, T. Stacewicz, , Biomed Opt. Expr.,, Dezember 2020, 2020, pp. 7019–7031.,
# 142 Methane, ethane and propane detection using a compact quartz enhanced photoacoustic sensor and a single interband cascade laser
A. Sampaolo, S. Csutak, P. Patimisco, M. Giglio, G. Menduni, V. Passaro, F. K. Tittel, M. Deffenbaugh, V. Spagnolo, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 282, 2019, pp. 952-960.,
# 141 Atmospheric CH4 measurement near a landfill using an ICL-based QEPAS sensor with V-T relaxation self-calibration
H. Wu, L. Dong, X. Yin, A. Sampaolo, P. Patimisco, W. Ma, L. Zhang, W. Yin, L. Xiao, V. Spagnolo, S. Jia, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol.297, 2019, 126753.,
# 140 Interband cascade laser arrays for simultaneous and selective analysis of C1–C5 hydrocarbons in petrochemical industry
J. Scheuermann, P. Kluczynski, K. Siembab, M. Straszewski, J. Kaczmarek, R. Weih, M. Fischer, J. Koeth, A. Schade, S. Höfling, Appl. Spectrosc, January 2021, 2021,
# 136 Temperature-dependent line mixing in the R-branch of the v3 band of methane
J. Li, A. P. Nair, K. K. Schwarm, D. I. Pineda, R. M. Spearrin, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, No.255, 2020, 107271.,
# 135 Interband cascade laser absorption of hydrogen chloride for high-temperature thermochemical analysis of fire-resistant polymer reactivity
D. I. Pineda, J. L. Urban, R. M. Spearrin,, , Appl. Opt., Vol.59, No.7, 2020, pp. 2141-2148.,
# 134 Deep neural network inversion for 3D laser absorption imaging of methane in reacting flows
C. Wei, K. K. Schwarm, D. I. Pineda, R. M. Spearrin, , Opt. Lett, Vol.45, No.8, 2020, p. 2447.,
# 132 Light and microwaves in laser frequency combs: an interplay of spatio-temporal phenomena
M. Piccardo, D. Kazakov, B. Schwarz, P. Chevalier, A. Amirzhan, Y. Wang, F. Xie, K. Lascola, S. Becker, L. Hildebrandt, R. Weih, A. Belyanin, F. Capasso, San Jose, CA, USA, 2019, , 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2019, pp. 1-2.,
# 131 Unveiling quantum-limited operation of interband cascade lasers
S. Borri , M. Siciliani de Cumis , S. Viciani , F. D’Amato, P. De Natale, APL Phot., Vol.5, Iss.3, 2020, 036101,
# 130 Simple electrical modulation scheme for laser feedback imaging
K. Bertling, T. Taimre, G. Agnew, Y. L. Lim, P. Dean, D. Indjin, S. Höfling, R. Weih, M. Kamp, M. v. Edlinger, J. Koeth, Aleksandar D. Rakic, IEEE Sens. Jour., Vol.16, No. 7, April, 1, 2016, pp. 1937-1942.,
# 129 Sub-ppb-level CH4 detection by exploiting a low-noise differential photoacoustic resonator with a room-temperature interband cascade laser
H. Zhen, Y. Liu, H. Lin, R. Kan, P. Patimisco, A. Sampaolo, M. Giglio, W. Zhu, J. Yu, F. K. Tittel, V. Spagnolo, Z. Chen, Opt. Expr., Vol. 28, Iss. 13, 2020, p. 19446.,
# 128 Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy for hydrocarbon trace gas detection and petroleum exploration
A. Sampaoloa, G. Mendunib,P. Patimiscoa, M. Giglioa, V. M.N. Passaroc, L. Donga, H. Wua, F. K. Tittel, V. Spagnoloa, , Fuel, Vol.277, 2020,
# 126 Contrast enhancement of surface layers with fast middle-infrared scanning
T. Kümmel, T. Teumer, P. Dörnhofer, F.-J. Methner, B. Wängler, M. Rädle, Heliyon, Vol. 5, Iss. 9, September 2019,
# 125 Time-resolved laser absorption imaging of ethane at 2 kHz in unsteady partially premixed flames
K. K. Schwarm, C. Wei, D. I. Pineda, R. M. Spearrin, Appl. Opt., Vol. 58, Iss. 21, Juli 2019, pp. 5656 - 5662.,
# 124 Tomographic laser absorption imaging ofcombustion species and temperature in the mid-wave infrared
C. Wei, D. I. Pineda, C. S. Goldenstein, R. M. Spearrin, Opt. Exp., Vol. 26, Iss. 16, 2018, pp. 20944 - 20951.,
# 123 Multi-wavelength speciation of high-temperature 1-butene pyrolysis
N. H. Pinkowski, S. J. Cassady, D. F. Davidson, R. K. Hanson, Fuel, Vol. 244, 15th May 2019, pp. 269-281.,
# 122 A streamlined approach to hybrid-chemistry modeling for a low cetane-number alternative jet fuel
N. H. Pinkowski, Y. Wang , S. J. Cassady , D. F. Davidson , R. K. Hanson , Combustion and Flame, Vol.208, October 2019, pp. 15-26.,
# 119 Interband cascade laser based quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for multiple hydrocarbons detection
A. Sampaolo, S. Csutak, P. Patimisco, M. Giglio, G. Menduni, V. Passaro, F. K. Tittel, M. Deffenbaugh, V. Spagnolo, Proc. SPIE 10540, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XV , 26th January 2018, 105400C,
# 114 Interband cascade laser absorption sensor for real-time monitoring of formaldehyde filtration by a nanofiber membrane
C. Yao, Z. Wang, Q. Wang, Y. Bian, C. Chen, L. Zhang, W. Ren , App. Optics, Vol.57, No.27, 20.September 2018, 8005.,
# 109 Performance enhancement of methane detection using a novel self-adaptive mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy technique
F. Song, C. Zheng, W. Yan, W. Ye, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, F. K. Tittel, IEEE Phot. Journ., Vol.10, No.6, December 2018,
# 108 Dual-feedback mid-infrared cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for H2CO detection using a radio-frequency electricallymodulated interband cascade laser
Q. He, C. Zheng, M. Lou, W. Ye, Y. Wang, F. K. Tittel , Opt. Expr, Vol.26, No.12, 2018, p. 15436.,
# 107 Interband cascade laser-based ppbv-level mid-infrared methane detection using two digital lock-in amplifier schemes
F. Song, C. Zheng, D. Yu, Y. Zhou, W. Yan, W. Ye, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, F. K. Tittel , Appl. Phys. B, 2018, 124:51.,
# 106 Recent progress in laser‑based trace gas instruments: performance and noise analysis
J. B. McManus, M. S. Zahniser, D. D. Nelson et. al., Appl. Phys. B, 2015, 119: 203.,
# 105 Design and performance of a dual-laser instrument for multiple isotopologues of carbon dioxide and water
J. B. McManus, D. D. Nelson and M. S. Zahniser , Optics Express, Vol.23, Issue 5, 2015, pp. 6569-6586.,
# 103 Detection of ethanol using a tunable interband cascade laser at 3.345 μm
H. Gao, L. Xie, P. Gong et al. , Photonic Sensors, 2018, pp. 1 - 7,
# 102 Laser detection
L. Hildebrandt, Hydrocarbon Engineering, Februar 2018,
# 101 Single-mode interband cascade laser multiemitter structure for two-wavelength absorption spectroscopy;
Scheuermann, R. Weih, S. Becker, M. Fischer, J. Koeth, S. Höfling, Opt. Eng., 57 (1), September 2017, 011008,
# 100 Multiheterodyne spectroscopy using interband cascade lasers
L. A. Sterczewski, J. Westberg, C. L. Patrick, C. S. Kim, M. Kim, C. L. Canedy, W. W. Bewley, C. D. Merritt, I. Vurgaftman, J. R. Meyer and G. Wysocki, Opt. Eng., 57(1), Januar 2018, 011014,
# 95 Harsh-environment-resistant OH-vibrations-sensitive mid-infrared water-ice photonic sensor;
J. Martínez, A. Ródenas, A. Stake, M. Traveria, M. Aguiló, J. Solis, R. Osellame, T. Tanaka, B. Berton, S. Kimura, N. Rehfeld, F. Díaz , Adv. Mater. Technol., 2017, 1700085.,
# 92 Development and field deployment of a mid-infrared methane sensor without pressure control using interband cascade laser absorption spectroscopy
Ch. Zheng, W. Ye, N. P. Sanchez, Ch. Li, L. Dong, Y. Wang, R. J. Griffin, F. K. Tittel , Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 244, June 2017, 365–372.,
# 90 Optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy with a 3.24 µm interband cascade laser
K. M. Manfred, G. A. D. Ritchie, N. Lang, J. Roepcke, J. H. van Helden , Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 2015, 221106.,
# 89 Mars methane detection and variability at Gale crater
C. R. Webster, P. R. Mahaffy, S. K. Atreya, G. J. Flesch, M. A. Mischna, P.-Y. Meslin, K. A. Farley, P. G. Conrad,L. E. Christensen, A. A. Pavlov, J. Martín-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano, T. H. McConnochie, T. Owen, J. L. Eigenbrode, D. P. Glavin, A. Steele, C. A. Malespin, P. Douglas Archer Jr., B. Sutter, P. Coll, C. Freissinet, C. P. McKay, J. E. Moores, S. P. Schwenzer, J. C. Bridges, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, R. Gellert, M. T. Lemmon , the MSL Science Team, Science, Vol.347, Issue 6220, 23. Januar 2015 , pp. 415-417.,
# 87 Optical‑feedback cavity‑enhanced absorption spectroscopy with an interband cascade laser: application to SO2 trace analysis
L. Richard, I. Ventrillard, G. Chau, K. Jaulin, E. Kerstel, D. Romanini , Appl. Phys. B, 2016, 122:247.,
# 86 Detection of methyl mercaptan with a 3393‑nm distributed feedback interband cascade laser
Z. Du, W. Zhen, Z. Zhang, J. Li, N. Gao, Appl. Phys. B, 2016, 122 : 100,
# 85 Frequency modulation characteristics for interband cascade lasers emitting at 3 µm
J. Li, Z. Du, Y. An, Appl. Phys. B, 2015, 121:7–17.,
# 83 Mid-infrared surface plasmon polariton chemical sensing on fiber-coupled ITO coated glass
J. Martínez, A. Ródenas, M. Aguiló, T. Fernandez, J. Solis, F. Díaz , Optics Letters, Vol. 41, No. 11, 1th June 2016, pp. 2493 - 2496.,
# 82 Ppb-level mid-infrared ethane detection based on three measurement schemes using a 3.34 μm continuous-wave interband cascade laser
C. Li, C. Zheng, L. Dong, W. Ye, F. K. Tittel, Y. Wang , Appl. Phys. B, July 2016, 122:185.,
# 81 Dynamic spectral characteristics measurement of DFB interband cascade laser under injection current tuning
Z. Du, G. Luo, Y. An, J. Li, Appl. Phys. Lett., 109, 2016, 011903.,
# 80 Single-mode interband cascade lasers emitting below 2.8 μm
J. Scheuermann, R. Weih, M. v. Edlinger, L. Nähle, M. Fischer, J. Koeth, M. Kamp, S. Höfling , Appl. Phys. Lett. , 106, 2015, 161103.,
# 78 Ppb-level formaldehyde detection using a CW room-temperature interband cascade laser and a miniature dense pattern multipass gas cell
L. Dong,Y. Yu,.C. Li, S. So, F. Tittel, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 15, 2015, pp. 19821-19830.,
# 77 Compact TDLAS based sensor design using interband cascade lasers for mid-IR trace gas sensing
L. Dong, F. K. Tittel, C. Li, N. P. Sanchez, H. Wu, C. Zheng, Y. Yu, A. Sampaolo, R. J. Griffin , Optics Express, Vol. 24, Issue 6, 2016, pp. A528-A535.,
# 75 Interband cascade laser sources in the mid-infrared for green photonics
J. Koeth, M. von Edlinger, J. Scheuermann, S. Becker, L. Nähle, M. Fischer, R. Weih, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, , Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers , XV, 9767, 10th March 2016, 976712,
# 74 Laser absorption diagnostic for measuring acetylene concentrations in shock tubes
I. Stranic, R. K. Hanson pp. 58-65, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 142, July 2014, pp. 58 - 65,
# 67 New Opportunities in Mid-Infrared Emission Control
P. Geiser, Sensors, 2015, pp. 22724-22736.,
# 64 Interband Cascade Lasers - Topical Review
I. Vurgaftman, R. Weih, M. Kamp, C.L. Canedy, C.S. Kim, M. Kim, W.W. Bewley, C.D. Merritt, J. Abell, S. Hoefling, Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 48, 2015, pp. 123001-12017.,
# 62 High-sensitivity interference-free diagnostic for measurement of methane in shock tubes
R. Sur, S. Wang, K. Sun, D. F. Davidson, J. B. Jeffries, R. K. Hanson, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 156, May 2015, pp. 80-87,
# 61 Demonstration of an Ethane Spectrometer for Methane Source Identification
T.I. Yacovitch, S.C. Herndon, J.R. Roscioli, C. Floerchinger, R.M. McGovern, M. Agnese, G. Petron, J. Kofler, C. Sweeney, A. Karion, S.A. Conley, E.A. Kort, L. Naehle, M. Fischer, L. Hildebrandt,.J. Koeth, J.B. McManus, D.D. Nelson, M.S. Zahniser, C.E. Kolb, Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, 2014, 8028-8034.,
# 54 Demonstration of the self-mixing effect in interband cascade lasers
K. Bertling, Y.L. Lim, T. Taimre, D. Indjin, P. Dean, R. Weih, S. Hoefling, M. Kamp, M. von Edlinger, J. Koeth, A.D. Rakic, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 2013, 231107,
# 53 CW DFB RT diode laser-based sensor for trace-gas detection of ethane using a novel compact multipass gas absorption cell
K. Krzempek, M. Jahjah, R. Lewicki, P. Stefanski, S. So, D. Thomazy, F.K. Tittel, Appl. Phys. B, 112, 4. September 2013, pp. 461-465.,
# 43 Chemical analysis of surgical smoke by infrared laser spectroscopy
Michele Gianella, Markus W. Sigrist , Appl. Phys. B, 109, 3, November 2012, pp. 485-496.,
# 36 Single mode interband cascade lasers based on lateral metal gratings
R. Weih, L. Naehle, Sven Hoefling, J. Koeth, M. Kamp , Appl. Phys. Lett., 105,7, 2014, pp. 071111.,
# 26 Corrugated-sidewall interband cascade lasers with single-mode midwave-infrared emission at room temperature;
C.S. Kim, M. Kim, W.W. Bewley, J.R. Lindle, C.L. Canedy, J. Abell, I. Vurgaftman, J.R. Meyer , Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 2009, 231103.,
# 22 Sensing of formaldehyde using a distributed feedback interband cascade laser emitting around 3493 nm
S. Lundqvist, P. Kluczynski, R. Weih, M. von Edlinger, L. Naehle, M. Fischer, A. Bauer, S. Hoefling, J. Koeth, Appl. Opt., , 51, 25, 2012, pp. 6009-6013.,
# 13 Continuous-wave operation of type-I quantum well DFB laser diodes emitting in 3.4 µm wavelength range around room temperature
L. Naehle, S. Belahsene, M. von Edlinger, M. Fischer, G. Boissier, P. Grech, G. Narcy, A. Vicet, Y. Rouillard, J. Koeth and L. Worschech , Electron. Lett. 47, 1, Januar 2011, pp. 46-47.,
# 9 DFB Lasers Between 760 nm and 16 µm for Sensing Applications
W. Zeller, L. Naehle, P. Fuchs, F. Gerschuetz, L. Hildebrandt, J. Koeth , Sensors, 10, 2010, pp. 2492-2510,
# 8 ICLs open opportunities for mid-IR sensing
L. Naehle, L. Hildebrandt, M. Kamp, S. Hoefling, Laser Focus World, May 2013, pp. 70-73,
# 7 DFB laser diodes expand hydrocarbon sensing beyond 3 µm
L. Hildebrandt, L. Naehle, Laser Focus World, January 2012, pp. 87-90,
# 5 DFB lasers exceeding 3 µm for industrial applications
L. Naehle, L. Hildebrandt, Laser+Photonics, 2012, pp. 78-80,
# 2 Advanced Gas Sensing Applications Above 3 µm with DFB Laser Diodes
L. Naehle, L. Hildebrandt, M. Fischer, J. Koeth, Gases & Instrumentation, March/April 2012, pp. 25 - 28,

Optical properties

nanoplus distributed feedback lasers show outstanding spectral, tuning and electrical properties.

Spectrum 3270 nm DFB

Typical spectrum of a nanoplus 3270 nm distributed feedback interband cascade laser

Tuning 3270 nm DFB

Typical mode hop free tuning of a nanoplus 3270 nm distributed feedback interband cascade laser

PI Curve 3270 nm DFB

Typical power, current and voltage characteristics of a nanoplus 3270 nm distributed feedback interband cascade laser

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Product Brief

More information

nanoplus uses a unique and patented technology for DFB laser manufacturing. We apply a lateral metal grating along the ridge waveguide, which is independent of the material system. Read more about our patented distributed feedback technology.

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