nanoplus values cooperation and exchanging know-how with German and European partners from industry and research. These collaborations aim to develop groundbreaking products and technologies for laser-based gas sensor technology.
We regularly participate in projects of the European Union, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology (StMWi).
The following projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme:
BROMEDIR | Broadband MEMS-based InfraRed spectrometers: The core of a multipurpose spectral sensing photonic platform (grant agreement no. 101092697 ) |
PHOTONFOOD | Flexible mid-infrared photonic solutions for rapid farm-to-fork sensing of food contaminants (grant agreement no. 101016444) |
PASSEPARTOUT | Photonic accurate and portable sensor systems exploiting photo-acoustic and photo-thermal based spectroscopy for real-time outdoor air pollution monitoring (grant agreement no. 101016956) |
MirPhab | Infrared photonics devices fabrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications |
MIRACLE | Mid-infrared arthroscopy innovative imaging system for real-time clinical in depth examination and diagnosis of degenerative joint diseases (grant agreement no. 780598) [Paper #190] |
iCspec | In-line cascade laser spectrometer for process control (grant agreement no. 636930) |
The following projects have received funding from the European Union's FP7 research and innovation programme:
Widelase | Monolithic widely tunable interband cascade lasers for safety and security (grant agreement no. 318798) |
Charming | Components for highly advanced time-resolved fluorescence microscopy based on nonlinear glass fibres (grant agreement no. 288786) |
SensHy | Photonic sensing of hydrocarbons based on innovative mid infrared lasers (grant agreement no. 223998) |
GAINFUL | Gas analyzer with intelligent interface for high volume applications |
Neo-Lung | Development of neonate bedside lung monitoring sensor based on diode laser spectroscopy |
HISens | Highly sensitive infrared sensors on the basis of cascaded type II semiconductor superlattices |
HIRT | Highly sensitive infrared detectors on the basis of resonance tunnel diodes with semiconductors of small band gap (grant agreement no. 13XP5003A) |
µPASII | Miniaturized photo acoustics gas sensors for applications to increase the efficiency of combustion pocesses and for energy transport processes (grant agreement no. 03ET1317C) |
LASELO | Laser spectroscopic sensor systems for the analysis of air pollution and optimization of combustion processes (grant agreement no. 13N13772) |
APOSEMA | Advanced photonic sensor materials (grant agreement no. 13N13083) |
GESNAPHOTO | Nano-Structured GeSn Coatings for Photonics (grant agreement no. 13N14160) |
Atmo-Sense | Novel portable, ultra-sensitive, fast and rugged trace gas sensor for atmospheric research based on photothermal interferometry (grant agreement no. 13N14702) |
ILLIAS | Injection locked (mutually coupled) Mid-infrared Interband Cascade Laser based gas sensor (grant agreement no. 13N14730) |
BreathSens | Breath gas analytics for metabolism anomalies (grant agreement no. 13GW0325B) |
Inspired | InSb-photodiodes as infrared electro-optical detectors (grant agreement no. KF3256001AB3) |
EXTRALASE | Extremely low-noise infrared laser modules for gas sensing applications |
O2Ergo | Oxygen measurement for ergospirometry (grant agreement no. ZU4367203TS8) |
MARS | Molded Anti-Reflex Structures (grant agreement no. ZF4367202GM7) |
OptiFlow | Flow sensor for performance diagnosis with optical respiratory monitoring of CO2 and O2 |
InSitu-LAS | System for in-situ control of combustion processes via laser based detection of water vapour and oxygen (grant agreement no. ESB-1508-0004) |
The following project has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-OP 2014-2020)
qBios | Integrierte Quantenmagnetometer für die Detektion schneller biomagnetischer Signale; Optisch gepumpte Magnetometer (OPM) sind höchstsensitive, quantenbasierte Magnetfeldsensoren und können bei der Auflösung mit den weltbesten supraleitenden Sensoren konkurrieren, ohne jedoch deren kryogene Kühlung zu erfordern. Eine Vielzahl technischer und physikalischer Durchbrüche der letzten beiden Jahrzehnte ermöglicht deutlich kleinere und flexible OPM zu bauen und anzuordnen, sodass sich völlig neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten z. B. bei biomedizinischen Messungen ergeben. Vorhabenziel ist, neue Cäsium-OPM basierend auf den Vorarbeiten zum spin exchange relaxation-free (SERF) Modus zu erforschen und sie von Laboraufbauten hin zu kompakten, modularen Einzelsensoren für die Detektion schneller Neurosignale in magnetischer Schirmung zu integrieren. Die zu integrierenden OPM-Einzelbaugruppen sollen durch die Verbundpartner erforscht und realisiert werden. Ein zentrales Element ist eine neuartige spezialisierte Laserdiode mit zugeschnittenen Eigenschaften, welche durch die nanoplus GmbH erforscht und im OPM-Aufbau realisiert wird. |
As a member of the EU PASSEPARTOUT project nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH proudly contributes its expertise in designing mid-infrared lasers to the realization of new smart photonic sensors for pollution monitoring.
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